Thursday 26 May 2016

Weekend update.

Bit of a mixed bag weather wise this week, but it's not stopped us completing our planned works.
Monday saw us giving the greens a light verti-cut, followed by another light sand dressing. After this was brushed in, the surfaces looked significantly smoother, despite the seeding of the meadow grass. Due to a damp Tuesday morning, we ran the iron over the greens, as the cutters were picking up too much sand in the dew.
On Wednesday, they were cut and then given a light application of soil amendment (Calcium, magnesium & manganese). These trace elements are a vital part of the soil profile and keep the rootzone in balance.
The bunkers have had another round of fly-mowing and edging. The sand has also been moved around following the heavy rain over the weekend.
Building up to this weekend, it's mainly cutting to prepare everywhere for a busy Bank Holiday.
The next few weeks will be spent tidying and trying to catch up with some unfinished jobs. This has been made harder by the fact we are 2 greenstaff down at the moment, due to people moving on to pastures new.

Have a great weekend.

Mark & the Greens team.

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